Saturday, May 5, 2007

I'm just as LOST as you are...

LOST was my favorite show until I went over seas and lived in a small rustic apartment with no TV, cable, internet, or phone for like 5 months. ...and yes, I had electricity.
So basically, once I got back to the states after last season, I found it nearly impossible to catch up. I'm done with the whole thing really. How on earth do they find some cellar underground full of Pottery Barn furniture and Pier 1 candles, fully stocked with Frosted Flakes and peanut butter? For crying out loud people, I realize it's TV Land and anything goes but they even have golf clubs... and don't tell me that the reason why these girls seem to have a different outfit each time is because all the rest of the luggage washed ashore from the plane crash... i'm not buying into it. I wonder where they'll find all the maternity clothes?? There's got to be a Main St. on the other side of the island with a boutique or something right?! They even have a hospital-like operation room as well as baby machine equipment? Are you freegin kidding me here?
Truth is, I feel so much more free now that I'm not obsessed with it. LOST is the type of show where you seriously CAN NOT miss one episode or else, well... you're lost. Who wants to be a slave to some TV SHOW?!! I gave up!
Even my dad is hooked on it!! But you can't ever watch the show with him... he talks too much... he even asks ME why shit happens or what something might mean. First of all - i'm NOT the one to ask since I'm too lost with it... and secondly, I really don't give a damn.
But I will say this- If I were stuck on that island with Sawyer... well...hmm... now we're talkin...


Anonymous said...

you are full of crap. First of all, yes the luggage washed ashore, mmmK? Secondly, your father told us that you are hooked on American Idol, so shut up!

eLí said...

Stop talking with my father... the man doesn't speak our language so there could have been a miscommunication. LOL...
Shoulda known someone would call me out on the Idol thing...