Monday, July 30, 2007

Niagra Falls

My family is visiting from Italy - e voi pensate che IO? sono pazza? Mamma mia, la mia casa e toda uma bagunca agora! Stanno mangiando tutte cose! Ma, e cosi la vita italiana... mangiano, parlano, mangiano ancora...e giocano le carte! ...just kidding...sorta.

Comunque, la mia famiglia mai hanno visitato Niagra falls. Per qui non sá -(Niagra divides New York and Canada)... e sono le cascate piu alto nel mondo- secondo me---

Anche se sono andata tante volte, God's ability to make something so beautiful still amazes me...I adore rainbows...

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Forse era questa sfida che ieri e' stato bello. ... vai VIA uomo vecchio! Provo di fare la brava. 1

una Sfida d'Amare G.A

Oggi e' stato un giorno bellissimo. ERA...a l'ultimo momento Dio mi ha dato una grande sfida e non riuscivo a farla. Adesso ho una voglia di gridare, ma non ho piú la energia. Mi sento proprio giú e giá lo so che cosa devo fare ma e molto difficile. Non c'e nessuno in la casa... qui posso amare? e' Lui. Sí, devo sceglierLo pero in questo momento voglio rimanere da sola. Pero Lui non mi lascia mai! aiutooooooo... Ho perso.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


I think I just pulled a muscle from pickin up the latest version of Harry Potter. 759 pages - Seven-hundred and fifty-nine pages... what 8 year old can read all that? Ok, maybe I'm being dramatic. I think it's great that kids are reading since it seems it's become more of a past time with all the video/computer games that are offered as other ways to kill time.

But it's the freegin size of the Bible. Did I just use the word "freegin" and "bible" in the same sentence? (Sorry God!) Maybe it's more like all of Shakespeare's works combined. Either way - you get the idea. You can't really tell but - I'm a Harry Potter fan. Not a big enough fan to dress up and wait on line for HOURS the night before the book is released but a big enough fan to buy all seven books and enjoy them...

I was watching the news reports on this Harry Potter mania and they interviewed one 16 year old girl who had flown out with her friend from California to wait on line at a bookstore in NY, just so she can have the book 3 hours earlier than her friends back home.... umm... WHAT? In cases like this I want to speak to that girl's mother and father. Is that really necessary? You don't find that your daughter has freakishly obsessive behaviors and some issues if she HAS to have her hands on that book so badly that you're willing to pay hundreds of dollars to fly her out to New York? No, on second thought, maybe I'd like to speak to THEIR parents.

My goodness - this last one is enormous. I can't carry this thing around with me! I can't just pop it in my bag on my way out the door or read it on the train, etc... I suppose I can read a few pages before bed but it will take me a long time to finish it and I'm not so sure I want to invest in all that time with Harry Potter when there are so many other books out there that I'd rather read. So...... what to do with that book?

Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday's Photo: Union Square

As I've mentioned before on this blog, I like to people watch. I enjoy walking through the city and pretend to be all touristy at times taking pictures of random things here and there. I was walking through Union Square when this little girl caught my eye. Not only was she simply adorable because she was dressed pretty outrageously but also because she was just mesmorized by the music that the man was playing. So much so that when he stopped, she ran over and begged him to play more...

My great day

Yesterday was a good day for me... No, GREAT day
Why, you ask?

1. I found gas for less than $3.00 a gallon. $2.99 in fact. I consider that a miracle.

2. I got a visit from my not-so-nice-friend which under normal circumstances, I'm not happy. But considering I'll be on a beach in Costa Rica in one week, I say - Bring on the muscle aches and back pains!

3. I had the day off which gave me a chance to catch up on my tan that I lost while in Argentina.

4. My favorite yogurt was on sale at the supermarket.

5. I find out that I'll be hosting a Slovakian guy with nice, blue eyes and a killer smile for the next day and a half. So what if I only met him once in Castelgandolfo, and once in Loppiano? We're practically family now right?

6. I found $5.00 in a pair of old jeans...

7.... that I recently fit back into.

Ain't life grand??

Saturday, July 7, 2007

What's an american?

Hey all! I realize i've been M.I.A lately but considering I had been working extra hours (...hello over time pay!) and my computer being busted, there weren't many opportunities for me to write much of anything. Today is an absouletly gorgeous day where I'm at and I was hoping for a little time at the beach but considering I still have to finish laundry and packing there isn't much hope for that.

In less than 12 hours I'll be at JFK watching a slew of people rushing in every direction going to and from wherever they're coming or going. God, how i LOVE airports!


I'll be in Argentina for a week which means pulling out all my sweaters that I already packed away for the summer. I'm real excited to go and most of all to learn - not only improve my spanish but also to hear how things are going on the other side of the world. To meet new and old friends, and realize the concept of North and South America as being one, whole continent...I'm lucky to have had the education I had growing up (my parents did the best they could and I was sent to those ridiculous private schools) but the USA is one of those countries that teaches its children that we are in fact, two SEPERATE continents...NORTH & SOUTH... so right from the start we're set out to think of how completely different we are, rather than focusing on what draws us together as common people...
We learn that Mexico is part of Latin America but scratch our heads like baffled monkeys when asked if it's truly part of North America or not. (The answer is yes people.) Yes, mexico is part of north america. PERIOD. But because of the whole spanish speaking country that lies south of our border thing, we assume it's not. What is America? Who are americans? Let's not forget our dear neighbors to the north... Yes, God bless Canada, eh?! I mean, so what if they add the letter "u" to the words like neighbor, color and honor and switch the "z" to "s" like in "realize" or what not.... Che confusione!

Never in my life have I ever been a patriotic citizen of this country - The good ol' US of A... - I never even owned a flag and I sure as hell would NEVER wave it around in a big piazza anywhere abroad. To this day I'm amazed at how proud Brasilians are to be...well, brasilian!!! Wherever they go it's a guarantee that there will be a lot of blue, yellow and green everywhere - and I truly mean EVERY- freegin -WHERE. I sometimes wonder what that would be like, to love my country that much that I would want to tell the world where I am from...What am I so afraid of? ...errr...
I'm not a hater or anything though. I'm just not particularly the moment. We're not all pagans who worship BUSH and consumerism...and each country has their own problems too. We're not perfect! There are downright good people in this country and some foreigner don't see that!! ...BUT there are also down right good people in those places where we shouldn't be either....and some people would rather not think about that either...but I'll save that for another time because once I get started on that topic...look out!
There was never a big red,white and blue star spangled banner proudly hanging outside my house. Not even on the 4th of July (our independance day) ... Sure, we celebrated it with a crazy BBQ, but that was for the mere fun of being surrounded by great company and good wine....

Anything "american" was seriously considered to be schifo. The very word, "Americana" was usually preceeded by the word, "Babba" ... Babb'Americana was what I'd hear anytime I did something my parents disapproved of. To even be thought of as american was mostly disrespectful. It meant, ignorant, not knowing, not being bilingual and not knowing anything about geography. So why whenever I'm out of the country do I get all "patriotic"?? Where does this come from??? Isn't it odd that I'd all of the sudden say while out of the country that i'm "american"?? I sometimes amaze myself.

This should be quite an extra-ordinary experience, i think, this going to Argentina for a Panamerican congress.

And this whole "label" of being "American" --- tell that to someone from south or central america... are they not american too? But when I say, "Hi, I'm american" - I don't mean any disrespect to anyone who is from south and central. I don't want to sound like I'm saying "You're NOT american if you're from central and south america" because in fact, they are...very much so...they're just as much american as I am...!!!!!!!

In english, there is no other way to put it though. We say we're "American" because there's not a word for anyone who is from the USA, EUA or whatever. When you're from Italy, you are Italian. Or if you're from Mexico, you're Mexican. In other languages, someone from the USA could say, "Stati Unidense" or something of that nature. But there is no "United States-icans" and America is in our country's name - "united states of america." --- rather than introduce myself as being "American" ... I think i'll just stick with , "Hola, soy de Nueva York" and let them decide what in the heck I am!!!!

Don't worry people, depois ti escreo contando como foi! Knowing me, I'll probably learn more portugues than spanish while I'm down there...vediamo.

See you in a week!
