Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Eat your heart out bon-bons!

i don't understand why there's this huge gap between this sentence and the rest of m post...my computer seems to be moody at the moment. my apologies.
By now, some of you may know that I lived in a small tuscan village (which I still continue to dream about) and met a whole slew of amazing people from all walks of life and different countries. Among the many types of cultures I was introduced to, was the brasilian...Go figure!

I moved to Italy and fell in love with Brasil... oh the irony!

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine who is up from Brasil (she's interning at the U.N) came over for dinner and made these bon-bon looking things.

Guardate la foto:
Sapete che cos'é? Queste cose sono brigadeiro--> e non c'é niente sulla terra che mi piace di piú! (aspetta...forse pancakes...)
Anyhoo, God bless brasilian desserts! God bless Brasil, period. Saró felice se mangio solo brigadeiro per il resto della mia vita. E verdade!!! I'll be happy to eat nothing but this stuff for the REST OF MY LIFE.
I don't normally post recipes, in fact, this is the first time and probably the last. But these are so deliciously yummy that I simply had to spread the word.
It's so easy and yummy and did I mention EASY?? Dude, I don't care if it's Lent and you gave up chocolate. Trust me on this one okay? God won't mind one bit!

1 can
sweetened condensed milk -- (395g)
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 tablespoon butter -- soft
1 package chocolate sprinkles

In a heavy saucepan, mix the milk, cocoa and butter. Stir to dissolve the chocolate. Put over low heat and stir constantly with a wooden spoon. Continue stirring and cooking until you are able to see the bottom of the pot when you tilt the pan(the mixture will just slide quickly). This should take 10-12 minutes. Transfer to a greased plate. Let cool. Butter your hands and roll the mixture into small balls and roll over the chocolate sprinkles.

and now...EAT THEM (and thank your lucky stars for the brasilian army brigadier with tall, dark and handsome features and blue eyes it was named after)

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