It's been driving me crazy seeing the newspapers covered with scandalous news of our governor's affair and any other smut that is considered "news" ... it's sad that there are so many more important things that aren't given any attention to. Over in Europe, Chiara Lubich's name is popping up in places and here - all i hear is the name Elliot Spitzer. It makes me want to jump up and do something and let people in on something way more important.
At Chiara's funeral in the Basilica last Tuesday, a friend of mine was able to read an intention:
"For us young people, so that we, like Chiara and her first companions, may choose God as our Ideal and making our life become a divine adventure, be builders of a united world."
It's not just a prayer, it's a committment. To be responsible young adults is to promote a better future for ourselves and the next generation. It's not something just one person can do but together - we can unite and make the right choices to "fight" for social change. I think at times it can be difficult to take courage and nourish ourselves with the will of God rather than the will imposed on us by social norms or currents.
The following post was written back when I returned from Argentina in July. I never posted it for some reason but now I feel it's important to share a bit more of myself in this moment.
July 2007

Agora estou de volta a vida simples que Deus me deu... back to the simple life that God gave me. This PanAmerican Congress in Argentina was an esperienza INDIMENTICABILE. I'm so convinced that it was unforgettable, that I didn't even take any pictures. Not a single one. I had brought along a digital camera but the battery was low. So I had to charge it. Fine. I had the charger and therefore, I thought I was prepared. Only thing is - they have silly plugs in other did I overlook that?? So - no camera. I could have very well purchased a disposable camera but sometimes, pictures just don't do a scene justice.
My family finds it hard to believe that my first time in Argentina, I didn't take pictures. I didn't even buy anything. NOTHING. Not a souvenir, not even a STEAK... what in the world was I thinking??? Looks like I'll just have to go back again someday and do it right.
I was able to see old friends as well as meet many other young people with the same hopeful desires to make a difference... For the first time within the Focolare Movement, all of the americas were joined together. Representatives from Canada to Tierra del Fuego were able to participate...the whole conference was full of contagious joy!
I stayed 3 hours from Buenos Aires in a quaint little town in the country... Un pequeño pueblo que vive por la unidad. The first day I was there, it snowed. Did I mention it hadn't snowed there in 30 something years? Clearly, it was a sign that something historic was about to take place. It was a light snowfall and by the next day all traces of it had gone away. But it was special to see so much joy on my friends' faces...some of whom had never seen snow in all their lives. The littlest thing that I took for granted...snow...go figure! But like each snow flake has got it's own intricate design, so did everyone present at the congress.
We were people of different regions in different countries that have different social structures and governments and what not...yet for that week - we were all together as ONE. Through music, artistic expression and cultural activities, we found ourselves to be a part of one big family, as brothers and sisters!
It was such a grace to be with people who share the same ideas and values...Initially, it was a bit nerve-racking. It was hard for me to get into the swing of things. I had to step outside myself and offer everything up in order to be open to all the things around me.
Watching the presentations of each zone, I was able to take a glance into the vita gen of various countries. To witness their triumphs and struggles was an even bigger push for me to get working in my own community.
I love this feeling...this "high" that I'm 0n. People try and bring me down and I always wonder WHY? Why do they have to ruin this feeling? They think I see the world through rose colored glasses. But I'm not naive - the good is there - i've SEEN IT.
I've returned from Argentina fully recharged and ready to conquer the world with a positive outlook. :) I'll keep it up for as long as it takes but I know I can't do it alone.
It's hard not to get bitter at the world sometimes with how people are treating one another, wars, poverty, inequality....that is clearly present and yeah, it hurts to look at. But thankfully, there's hope. If you believe things will never change, you're right. They won't. As long as that is the only reality you let yourself know, than things will not change. We have to step up and LOVE. That is the only reality worth living for. Sempre piú avanti...dobbiamo conquistare il mondo...
- check it out.
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