Friday, July 27, 2007

My great day

Yesterday was a good day for me... No, GREAT day
Why, you ask?

1. I found gas for less than $3.00 a gallon. $2.99 in fact. I consider that a miracle.

2. I got a visit from my not-so-nice-friend which under normal circumstances, I'm not happy. But considering I'll be on a beach in Costa Rica in one week, I say - Bring on the muscle aches and back pains!

3. I had the day off which gave me a chance to catch up on my tan that I lost while in Argentina.

4. My favorite yogurt was on sale at the supermarket.

5. I find out that I'll be hosting a Slovakian guy with nice, blue eyes and a killer smile for the next day and a half. So what if I only met him once in Castelgandolfo, and once in Loppiano? We're practically family now right?

6. I found $5.00 in a pair of old jeans...

7.... that I recently fit back into.

Ain't life grand??


Giulia said...

What a great day, but that last one has got to be THE BEST thing of all! ;)

Anonymous said...

Slovakian guy? who? and where are you hosting him??????

eLí said...

Giulia - TELL me about it! I lost the weight I gained while in Italy... FINALLY!

Cate - Don't you know my casa doubles as an albergo for random people I meet through-out the world??? This house has plenty of room...and plenty of food! Besides, the parents are away for the weekend.