She's my cousin, my "sista", BFF, fellow gen and dog lover - my everything! We've been friends since we were born. Our mom's were best friends and God willing, so will our unborn children and their children. There's one teensy-weensy problemo: I still have yet to buy my plane ticket down there. You would think as the maid of honor I'd be the first one and then call the other bridesmaids to get the ball rolling. But then my reputation for world's biggest procrastinator would be tanked... but all joking aside, I need to get that ticket as of like, 5 weeks ago. I also need to get my dress altered. I can't find a decent pair of shoes to go with the dress and my Zia can't do the alterations without the shoes... so it looks like I better get shopping.
Last weekend was her Bridal Shower - a tradition where all the women who know the bride get to "shower" her with gifts. It wasn't much of a surprise since someone slipped but she pretty much knew she was having one eventually. I then slipped even further and told her the date and everything! She's my best friend!! I tell her EVERYTHING!!! Gosh, I was so annoyed with myself!
Since her other bridesmaid flew out from L.A. and wasn't going to see the bride until Costa Rica, we decided to have an impromptu bachelorette party that same evening as the bridal shower. We called some of our closest friends and went out for a night on the town.
It had been a loooooooong time since I've gone out. I've gone out, but not "Out-out" if you get what I'm saying. My tolerance level is so not what it used to be but I could honestly drink capirinhas all night long if it means getting to see our cute waitor...

I didn't have a pair of clean jeans, and cargo pants just wasn't going to cut it. So I was left with this skirt. The skirt that I wear to the beach and the beach only...Hummmm, so much for that rule! And that pair of black strappy heels somehow managed to make their way to the front of my closet, over all the flip-flops and sneakers. I used to dress like this when I thought I was the coolest 19 year old on the planet but that bitch retired years ago. I haven't dressed like this in years.
I have the greatest city at my fingertips and don't even get out much - I figured, my best friend's bachelorette party would be a good excuse!
We didn't do anything too crazy (we kept it classy...) and could still count to ten by the end of the night, which is always a good sign.
In 20 years I wonder what I'd say while looking back at this photo.
Most likely, "Who in the hell did I think I was walking around like that - on the eve of the Puerto Rican day parade no less!"
All in all, it was a fun night and I was able to spend it with a fantastic group of girls!
You 2 look so happy! Sounds like you had a great time. Now go buy that ticket already!
nice clothes !!! me like ! u cute !! so different to loppiano clothes !! hahah ! ok uno
yeah, diff than Loppi clothes...like a turtle outta its shell...
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