I must admit I'm a bit apprehensive. The idea of a car the size of a golf cart driving alongside an Escalade makes me nervous. Go ahead and call me paranoid but a small fender-bender-accident on the autostrada would crunch this car like a soda can.
I dont' think people should drive this car without a helmut. But that's just me.
I suppose having a Smart Car in the city would be beneficial for finding parking and cutting down on pollution. Other than that, I can't see what else it would be good for other than a laugh.
I was tempted to take a picture my last day in Castel Gandolfo of me, posed alongside a Smart Car with my suitcase...the car was only slightly larger than my suitcase...but then I decided not to embarass myself too much.
I couldn't help but laugh for the first few days in Italy at all the miniscule cars on the tiny roads weeving in and out of traffic (and pedestrians for that matter)...
I'm not knocking Smart Cars. I do think our cars are much too big. Coming back from Italy, it took me a while to not compare most of the cars around here to big boats. What is it with people around here thinking the bigger the better of everything and anything? Errr...don't answer that.
I couldn't resist taking this foto. I wanted to just pick up the car and put it in my pocket for a souvenir or something.
They are kind of cute in a toy matchbox car sort of way. I took this picture while sitting on a hilltop with my friends from Sydney. We were supposed to be somewhere following some sort of program for the day but we were watching a game of calcio instead. I like to challenge the rules and see how much I can get away with. ;-)
Have you seen the four door Smart cars? They look more "normal," in my opinion, especially by European standards. I love the two-toned black and silver one, and would probably get it if I were in the market for one.
You meant there's a four door one too? I thought the point of the whole Smart Car thing was that it's supposed to be teeny. I like the little red ones. Reminds me of a jolly rancher or something...
I have seen also a sport edition of smart, last month when I was in Rodhos
thanks Amir, ma ancora non sono convinta...I'm not so crazy for the 4 door either!
We have a pic of Peter standing by a blue Smart car in Rome. He wanted one to pack and take home with us. I totally agree that driving one around here would be like a suicide wish.
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